Hi! Today I will talk about changes that I would do about my study programme. Well, first I want to say that I'm study Psychology and I will talk about this university career.
As students we have all criticized the university and subjects that be in the curriculum of every career, this because exist subjects that don't seem be relevant for formation like professional, for some students. But many times the discussion is not done and exist only critics.
Personally, I don't think about especific changes nor options, but I can to talk a little about it. I feel and think that a problem of de university or career is the hegemony of man to the moment to read authors, almost we don't read women authors. This should be solved; that be present a feminist perspective
at the time to choose the contents. It's really really important, and this showed for the feminist protests.
at the time to choose the contents. It's really really important, and this showed for the feminist protests.
Too should be considered that during the career of pre-grado exist there are very few practical opportunities, because almost all is theorist. The opportunity for take practic subject are in 6º, 7º and 8º semester... and it don't work, why? Because the subjects have limited places, and that means that a lot students can't take this subjects. If you can't take a subject that you wanted is sad, and demotivating. An option is add more practical subjects, or create more sections.
Well, I think those are the precise points that I have, for now. Bye bye!